Medical Procedures: Sample nurse/patient or doctor/patient dialogs asociated with different activities and procedures in the hospital.
Taking a Blood Sample from a Patient:
Vocabulary associated with this medical lesson plan: blood, blood sample, tourniquet, thumb, fist, injection site, disinfect, squeeze, relax, press, rub, bend, hurt, queasy, nauseous, faint, sting, tight
The taking a blood sample worksheet to print.
Part one of this medical procedure worksheet has a brainstorming exercise for language surrounding taking a blood sample from a patient. There are warm-up questions for students to discuss in pairs or in small groups to draw out some of the key vocabulary and phrases needed for this medical procedure. There is a nurse/patient dialog and a section with grammar tips and useful language.
Taking a Blood Sample Lesson Plan:
- Have students in pairs or small groups try the brainstorming activity.
- Next have students in pairs answer the discussion questions and then verify the answers in small groups or as a whole class. (The correct answers are not of importance. The point of the activity is just to get them thinking about the procedure.)
- Go over the medical vocabulary with the class. I have them think about the meaning, discuss with a friend and then I explain all the words one by one in English and with gestures.
- Read the dialog aloud as many times as needed. Students can just listen the first time and repeat after the teacher on the 2nd and 3rd go. This is for pronounciation practice.
- Students should read through the dialog on their own or in pairs to check understanding and address any additional vocabulary or grammar trouble.
- Have students practice the dialog in pairs until they are able to get through the procedure without using the worksheet.
- Optional: do the follow-up exercise and have students suggest additional language that should/could be included in the dialog, for example asking the patient 'Are you allergic to alcohol?' before disinfecting the injection site.
- Ask several groups to perform the procedures in front of the class without the handouts.
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