Medical Procedures: Sample nurse/patient or doctor/patient dialogs asociated with different activities and procedures in the hospital. The articles have key vocabulary, warm up questions, sample dialogs, and grammar tips, follow-up speaking tasks, and additional sample sentences or useful language for that situation.

In the Patient's Room: How to use medical equipment and devices

Target language: explaining how to use hospital equipment, 'Push these buttons to adjust the bed.'

The In the Patient's Room worksheet to print.

Part 1 of this lesson has a sample nurse/patient conversation explaining how to use the nusrse call button and hospital bed remote. Then there is a practice section with useful vocabulary and various speaking tasks for explaining other items.

In the Patient's Room Lesson Plan:

- Do the introduction dialogue with the class and answer any questions they might have about vocabulary or key expressions.

- Go over the target language and useful vocabulary. Then practice with the three items at the bottom of the page.

- Then use some real items like smartphones, electronic dictionaries, or music players the students might have on them. Have them explain how to use those items, focusing their attention on the new target language.

- Try the items on the second page for more practice with items you might find in a hospital room.

- Brainstorm some other medical equipment in a patient's room that might need to be explained.

- Have the students repeat the dialog without the paper and explain how to use some general items and other medical items patients may find in their rooms.

Hospital English

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