Medical Procedures: Sample nurse/patient or doctor/patient dialogs asociated with different activities and procedures in the hospital.
Explaining About the Hospital:
Target language: hospital ward vocabulary, explaining about hospital departments and where they are, 'What's wrong?', expressing simple symptoms and health problems
The in the hospital worksheet to print.
Vocabulary: a burn, a sprain, itchy eyes, a backache, a broken arm, a runny nose, a cut, a bruise, a stuffy nose, a fracture, a headache, an infection, medical wards and hospital departments: cardiology, radiology, ophthalmology, pediatrics ...
Part 1 of the worksheet covers asking about symptoms and health conditions, 'What's wrong?' and 'How are you feeling today?'
Part 2 goes into hospital ward vocabulary, explaining where each department is and what the different wards are.
The Hospital and Hospital Wards Lesson Plan:
This hospital explanation activity contains a simple greeting and a hospital or hospital ward introduction as a nurse/patient conversation. There is a sample hospital layout at the bottom of the page with the key vocabulary depicted by icons to help the students.
- Do the introductory dialogue in pairs or small groups. Help with any vocabulary questions and use the sample hospital layout to aid with comprehension.
- Go over the language and vocabulary on the second page. Then have the students practice the dialogue together substituting in the new vocabulary and different ways of asking the questions.
- The third page helps students to explain about the hospital wards. Have them do the brainstorming activity and then review the two ways to describe a hospital ward or hospital department.
- Using only the sample hospital layout, have the students perform the exercise as a nurse/patient role play.
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