Medical Procedures: Sample nurse/patient or doctor/patient dialogs asociated with different activities and procedures in the hospital. The articles have key vocabulary, warm up questions, sample dialogs, and grammar tips, follow-up speaking tasks, and additional sample sentences or useful language for that situation.

Greeting a Patient and Explaining the Patient's Room:

Target language: self introduction, medical titles, language surrounding room descriptions

The greeting a patient worksheet to print.

Part One of this self introduction worksheet deals with introducing yourself and then moves on to helping students to explain a hospital room to a patient. There are several hospital room images that students can use to practice the conversation in pairs.

Greeting the Patient Lesson Plan:

- Go over the introduction with the class and verify understanding. Then have students practice introducing themselves.

- Review the language for explaining a hospital room. Then have the students try to explain the classroom.

- Have the students perform the dialogue and explain the different hospital rooms depicted in the worksheet.

- Make small signs/labels for different items, 'bed', 'drawers', 'closet', etc. Place them about the classroom. Have students imagine it is a patient's room and perform the full dialog as a hospital role-play.

Hospital English

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