Medical Procedures: Sample nurse/patient or doctor/patient dialogs asociated with different activities and procedures in the hospital. The articles have key vocabulary, warm up questions, sample dialogs, and grammar tips, follow-up speaking tasks, and additional sample sentences or useful language for that situation.

Giving a Shot: flu shot or intramuscular injection

Vocabulary associated with administering injections: injection, hurt, dizzy, shot, administer, syringe, needle, tingling, medication, swab, numbness, injection site, disinfect, immunization

The giving an injection worksheet to print.

Part one of this medical procedures worksheet starts with a brainstorming activity. Students think about the procedure and what they would need to say if administering an injection. Then there are a couple discussion questions for students to do in pairs or small groups. There is a pre-reading vocabulary section and finally a doctor/patient dialog.

After the dialog, there are grammar tips, variations for the target language, and a follow-up activity

Administering an Injection Lesson Plan:

- Have students in pairs or small groups go over the brainstorming activity. Elicit some answers from the students.

- Have the students in pairs answer the discussion questions and compare answers in groups. Answer any important questions as a whole-class activity.

- As a last pre-reading activity have the students verify understanding of the vocabulary necessary for the task. Have students work with the vocabulary as necessary to solidify understanding before moving on to the dialogue.

- Read the dialog while the students listen or listen and repeat. Answer any questions students might have about vocabulary or meaning.

- Review the grammatical points below the dialog. Have students practice the dialog as is or have them substitute in some of the optional variations.

- Have students perform the task of giving a shot in pairs without using the handout.

Hospital English

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