Medical Procedures: Sample nurse/patient or doctor/patient dialogs asociated with different activities and procedures in the hospital. The articles have key vocabulary, warm up questions, sample dialogs, and grammar tips, follow-up speaking tasks, and additional sample sentences or useful language for that situation.

Getting a Patient's Information and Medical History:

Target language: questions for a patient to obtain personal information plus medical history

Vocabulary associated with the patient information worksheets: medication, form, substance use, medical, medical conditions, information, alcohol, sex, tobacco, allergy, reason, occupation, fill out

The patient information worksheet to print.

There is an intial page with brainstorming activity, warm-up discussion questions and useful vocabulary section. The second page has a sample conversation intro and sample hospital form to fill out.

The remaining pages have sample questions for each section of the medical information forms and a page with blank forms that you can use for additional practice.

Getting a Patient's Medical History Lesson Plan:

- Do the first brain storming task in pairs or small groups.

- Have the students answer the discussion questions about medical information and hospital forms.

- Go over the key vocabulary and have the students verify the meaning of each word. They can try to use the vocabulary in a sentence, write definitions for each word, list collocations, or write the translations to the side.

- Proceed to the medical dialogue. Read the dialog and explain that students will be using the provided hospital form and they will have to get the patient's information to complete the patient history questionnaire.

- Have the students work in pairs and try to make the possible questions needed to complete the task.

- Go over the example questions page.

- In pairs have the students try to get each other's information and fill out the form, using the example dialog to get the students started.

Hospital English

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